Arain Jewellers is a crooked business you should avoid.
I am a good law abiding citizen, a mother of 2, and live a simple life with simple joys with very few valuable material possessions. One being my beloved diamond ring.
Arain Jewellers is a jewelry shop in Woodbine, Ontario. I went there to have my ring cleaned and they replaced it with cheaper diamond of lesser value. I thought that I was imagining it at first but growing suspicion made me seek out an appraiser, who confirmed my fears. You can read my google review of their business for more detail.
I was frustrated but had no legal means to bring these people to justice due to lack of evidence. I am creating this blog in hopes to bring awareness to Arain Jewellers, and serve as a warning beacon to good people everywhere.
Avoid Arain Jewellers. They are thieves.
Do you have a story about these crooked people or related business you'd like to share with me?
Please send me a message at tdavisagainstaj at gmail.
Thank you.